He’s baaack!*

Commentary *No, not Arnold (although based on a State Farm Super Bowl ad, he might be) but… JON STEWART!!! Yes, Jon Stewart is back. But before I get into Stewart’s return to The Daily Show, I thought I’d start today’s post with a little Around the Block history and why The Daily Show with JonContinue reading “He’s baaack!*”

I’m too busy to go through so many tax documents, in so many boxes, in so many places – so I’m not filing my tax returns.

News with a Twist/Satire As Around the Block channels Donald Trump, I assert, “I don’t intend to file until the IRS asks, Please, please, please.” As I’ve done for the last few years, I didn’t file my 2022 taxes this April. Similar to previous years, I was simply too busy to collect all the informationContinue reading “I’m too busy to go through so many tax documents, in so many boxes, in so many places – so I’m not filing my tax returns.”

“I don’t want to live in a country where Trump could be held accountable”

News with a Twist I haven’t posted in a while – three weeks, actually. Why? I’ve thought about some possible reasons: Too much going on making it difficult to choose a topic? Current events ennui? Disgust with the state of America, the state of the world? Writer’s block? My silence could be attributed to anyContinue reading ““I don’t want to live in a country where Trump could be held accountable””

Congressman George Santos indicted on multiple counts

Commentary/News with a Twist Seven counts of wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, one count of theft of public funds, and two counts of lying to the House of Representatives on financial forms. But the real question: Who posted his $500,000 bail? Read on to find out. The Washington Post reported: Rep. George Santos,Continue reading “Congressman George Santos indicted on multiple counts”

Around the Block goes back to a time when Dianne & Lindsey were sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”

Commentary/Flashback/News with a Twist Back in 2020, a friend was struggling with how to deal with Senator Dianne Feinstein’s fawning praise of Senator Lindsey Graham. I helped him write a letter…two actually. The image accompanying this story was taken at the conclusion of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearings of Amy Coney Barrett back inContinue reading “Around the Block goes back to a time when Dianne & Lindsey were sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!””

Oysters can change sex multiple times during their lives.

Commentary/News with a Twist/Satire DeSantis to issue executive order removing oysters from all Florida restaurant menus and market fish counters. Interestingfacts.com posted a story this morning called, “Oysters can change sex multiple times during their lives.” According to Interestingfacts: Although born male, oysters have the impressive ability to switch their sex, seemingly at will. EveryContinue reading “Oysters can change sex multiple times during their lives.”

Cars lost at sea creates mental health crisis

News with a Twist Coping with the loss of a loved one – Porsche/Bentley edition The big news in some parts of the country this week was not the impending confrontation between the United States and its NATO allies over the Russia’s potential invasion of Ukraine. Nor was it a judge’s ruling that Donald TrumpContinue reading “Cars lost at sea creates mental health crisis”

Around the Block is back! Did you know it was gone?

Commentary As the SF 49ers play their last regular season game/first pre-post-season game, are they back too? Around the Block has been pretty quiet the last few weeks. Perhaps it’s because of the holidays. More likely it’s due to self-inflicted trauma after realizing, and writing about the fact “we’re not in danger of losing ourContinue reading “Around the Block is back! Did you know it was gone?”

Skateboarding is an Olympic event?

As the 2020 Tokyo Olympics begins its inevitable wind down in August 2021 (my goodness, spanning two years, this must be the longest Olympics in history) I have a confession. In all the years NBC, and ABC before it, has been covering the Olympics on TV, I’ve spent less time, actually almost no time, watching these troubled games. In fact, the only coverage I’ve seen is when I’ve stumbled on some replays on a news show.