Girl Scout Cookie Civics Lesson


The New Yorker-style cartoon we really need

It’s Girl Scout Cookie season again.

As I purchased our “thin mints” and “samosas” and “tagalongs,”* the thought occurred to me that this would be a good time for these girls to not only make money, but also to learn something about the country they’re growing up in.

Now, if only I could draw!

a poem

no capitals for girl scout cookies

coming next year

the e e cummings cookie

Published by Ted Block

Ted Block is a veteran “Mad Man,” having spent 45+ years in the advertising industry. During his career, he was media director of several advertising agencies, including Benton & Bowles in New York and Foote, Cone and Belding in San Francisco; account management director on clients as varied as Clorox, Levi’s and the California Raisin Advisory Board (yes, Ted was responsible for the California Dancing Raisins campaign); and regional director for Asia based in Tokyo for Foote, Cone where he was also the founding president of FCB’s Japanese operations. Ted holds a Bachelor’s degree in communications from Queens College and, before starting in advertising, served on active duty as an officer on USS McCloy (DE-1038) in the U.S. Navy. Besides writing Around the Block, Ted is also a guest columnist for the Palm Beach Post.

5 thoughts on “Girl Scout Cookie Civics Lesson

  1. Ted,
    Scary…..don’t know if anyone is listening anymore……such acrimony…….scary: Rush Limbaugh is bestowed an honor usually reserved for true American heroes…..what is going on!!?
    Have to vent….sorry!


    1. Scary is too tame a word. I started my State of the Union column last night and then decided to hold off for a bit so I could be more measured and less incensed. Combine his lies, a 49% approval record and the Democrats Iowa debacle and all I can say is “Welcome to the United States of Dystopia.” Hm, maybe I’ll use that.

      Thanks, always, for the feedback.


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